Thursday, 31 January 2013


No patients this morning. The new ENT doctor thought he would streamline the system by seeing the patients before us, but then he came to the hospital hours after we were ready for our clinic. We have 2 team members sick, so we had another really busy tiring day, but with rewards: a longtime patient brought muffins for all of us, and little Diego' s mom was excited to see him react to sound. One man wanted to make sure his hearing aid had a volume control so he could mute his wife! We had dinner at Panza Verde, which means green belly. Green bellies are people from Antigua, who survived on avocados after earthquakes destroyed the city.
Bedtime. Good night!


  1. that s soooooooooooooo sad that a little boy such a young boy has to get hearing aids!

    1. I totally agree, how did he lose his hearing at such a young age?
